Sustainable Christmas Traditions

Posted by christie McGann on

eco-friendly christmas the bod society skincare australia

Did you know, conventional wrapping paper (mainly the shiny, coated paper) isn't recyclable!?. This Christmas, we've got a list of eco-friendly and just as gorgeous alternatives that can easily be adopted into your Christmas traditions going forward!

Among other more heartfelt things, Christmas is a time for creating thousands of tonnes of waste. In fact, it's estimated that our waste output increases by about 30% at Christmas. - 



Instead of using conventional wrapping paper, try buying kraft paper and twine with a sprig of rosemary to give a rustic look. You can also add some fun festive stamps to the kraft paper!

Eco Friendly Christmas The Bod Society Perth Skincare


Even though shop-bought gift cards are generally made from paper, some do have plastic coatings and glitter, which are both not ideal for the environment, so why not re-purpose some of your old Christmas cards that friends and family have gifted you?

It's so simple! All you need to do is cut out a rectangle on the front of the card (some card designs will allow you to cut multiple tags from the one card), use a hole punch to make a hole in the top and thread through some twine!

The Bod Society Cruelty Free Vegan Skincare Australia

The Bod Society Sustainable Eco Christmas Vegan Australia


Furoshiki is the Japanese art of wrapping with fabric. It's been around for over 1000 years and is a great way to re-purpose fabric, handkerchiefs and more. 

It all starts with a square piece of fabric and a particular method, which can be found here ->

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  • This was such a great read thank you for the tips.

    Alice Haydn on

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